Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Baby Making Update

So I did what I didn't want to do and not post for awhile.  Opps.

Well, nothing new on the baby front over here. We did our first round of Femara and it did nothing. I went in for my hundredth ultrasound and they said my follicle was at a 15 and they like it to be a 22.  Ideally your follicle grows at a rate of 2 per day so just a few days later i was going to be good to go to take my trigger shot and get down to business.  Well a couple days later I go in for another ultrasound and my follicle is down to a 12.

So what in the world happened? She said that the machine we used isn't as accurate as the other one so we could have just calculate wrong. 

"Okay, that's fine. I'll just wait until the end of the week." Well another ultrasound and no progression.  My doctor kept mentioning how I have a TON of eggs (which sounds good) but when you aren't ovulating then having eggs means absolutely nothing.  

So there goes another month of waiting down the drain. The hardest part about this whole process is the waiting. Its not like you can find things out right away. You are waiting and waiting and waiting for those positive tests to pop up.  

And to distract myself from this I am filling my time with coach a junior high volleyball team with my husband.  If you know me, you know that I played volleyball all thru high school and a little in college. Ya it's completely different coaching and playing. I give so much respect to my coaches now. Its fun to be on the other side though. I feel like I am understanding volleyball so much better and it's taking up a good amount of my time. 

This baby dog is taking up some time too.  It's amazing how when I am having a bad day and I go to bed she jumps right up into bed and cuddles in or lays like this on my chest. 

Morgan and I attended my best friend's wedding at the end of August and it was beautiful. The bride looked amazing. It was so great to see Trevor get married to such an amazing women. 

Until next time... hopefully soon.


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